Raida Bus Route & Details । রাইদা বাস

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Raida Bus (রাইদা বাস) is one of the sitting service buses in the capital Dhaka. The Raida bus route starts from Jatrabari Thana Postogola and goes to Uttara Thana Bari. There is competition between buses within Dhaka to provide quality service.

However, Raida Bus Service This route from Postogola to Diabari has won the hearts of people with their services. Generally public bus services have their ups and downs but for a long time Raida Bus Service has held its ground.

Raida Bus Route

The routes operated by Raida Bus Service and the places where the bus stops are mentioned. This post will be useful for those traveling by Raida Bus. If you like the post, please share it.

Postogola ⇄ Dholairpar ⇄ Jatrabari ⇄ Janapath Moor ⇄ Sayedabad ⇄ Mugdapara ⇄ Bashabo ⇄ Khilgaon ⇄ Malibagh Railgate ⇄ Rampura Bazar ⇄ Rampura Bridge ⇄ Merul ⇄ Badda ⇄ Uttar Badda ⇄ Bashtola ⇄ Notun Bazar ⇄ Nadda ⇄ Bashundhara ⇄ Jamuna Future Park ⇄ Kuril Chourasta ⇄ Kuril Bishwa Road ⇄ Khilkhet ⇄ Airport ⇄ Jashimuddin (Uttara) ⇄ Rajlakshmi ⇄ Azampur ⇄ House Building ⇄ Dia Bari

History of Raida Bus

Raida Bus is a comprehensive transport company in the capital Dhaka. Raida Bus Paribahan started its journey around 2015 and their hard work has made this seating service instantly popular today.

There are several checking systems to operate Raida buses. Usually checking is done on Postgola-Diabari route at Maniknagar – Kamalapur, Khilgaon, Rampura Bridge, Newbazar, and Khilkhet respectively to calculate the bus fare and gauge the number of passengers. Also passengers fare is deducted through online ticketing in the vehicle. If there are more than enough passengers to board the bus, then the next bus has to be boarded. Generally, if the bus seats are full, no standing passengers are picked up.

raida bus bhara

Currently Raida bus fares are charged at 2.45 paise per kilometer as per government norms. But they take 15 taka per check to increase the price of fuel oil. From Postgola to Diabari takes 75 taka.

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