Luxury hotel booking for some essential tips

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Luxury hotel booking for some essential tips : At the end of the day every man returns to his place of residence for rest and safety. Similarly, for urgent needs, business work or traveling alone, you have to choose a hotel in many cases for safe overnight stay. Everyone decides the hotel according to his own needs and financial capacity.
Many times after reaching the hotel we have to face various unexpected events. And so in the case of traveling alone, if you have to stay overnight in a hotel, you have to keep your eyes and ears open for many things for the sake of safety. A little awareness will save you from unwanted incidents.

Luxury hotel booking for some essential tips

Do not fix first floor or ground floor rooms
The 1st floor or ground floor will be the first to be affected, it is a normal thing if there is any kind of terrorist attack on the hotel. Because the ground floor is the easiest and most convenient for arrival and departure. Therefore ground floor rooms should be avoided for safety reasons.

Do not fix too much upper room
Do not fix the room too high. Because if you want to attract someone’s attention by shouting something unwanted, no one will hear you. Therefore, it is better not to choose a floor that is too high.

Fix the room with double bed or two beds
If you are not sure about safety, you can rent a two-bed room as an extra precaution. This will confuse anyone who inquires about you into thinking that you have a partner.

The room number is confidential to the hotel authorities
When you need to leave the hotel, while giving the key to the hotel manager, if there are strangers around, say the room number in a low voice so that no one else can hear. And be sure to tell the hotel manager to keep your room number a secret.

Be aware of social media use
Avoid location tags on social media. Criminals can take that opportunity if they publish information about where and which hotel they are in through social media.

Do not enter a hotel room if someone is following you
Go to the reception without entering your room if you feel like someone is following you when you walk in front of your room after entering the hotel. He understood his purpose and certainly the follower should not doubt.

Keep things at your own risk
Hotel security personnel actually take care to clean the rooms. Also keep important things under your own supervision. And how important or expensive things you have that no one can easily understand.
