Dhaka to Teknaf Bus Service 2024

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Here you will find Dhaka to Teknaf bus service and Ticket price ? There are many AC buses and non-AC bus services from Dhaka to Teknaf. These include St. Martin’s Transport, Green Line, Tuba Line, Shyamli Transport. There are also bus services of different companies on the Dhaka to Teknaf route.

Dhaka to Teknaf Distance

Dhaka to Teknaf Distance by google map is 370 Kilometers (230 Miles). Driving Distance by route 468 Kilometers (291 Miles), and Air Distance 272 Kilometers (231 Miles).

If you are interested in traveling by bus from Dhaka to Teknaf. You can collect information about your travel expenses from their fare list below. Which will be useful in your future.

Dhaka to Teknaf Bus Service and Ticket price list

Dhaka to teknaf Bus Service with an average duration of 10.55 hours journey, this time depending on the road condition.

Saintmartin Travels
Route: Dhaka-Teknaf
First Trip: 6.30am
Last Trip: 10.45pm
Contact: 01762-691364
Office: Panthapath, Dhaka 1209

Soudia Bus Service
Route: Dhaka-Teknaf
First Trip: 6.00am
Last Trip: 11.30
Contact: 01919-654855
Office: 132, North South Road, Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Sharani, Dhaka 1100

Saintmartin Hyundai
Route: Dhaka-Teknaf
First Trip: 6.30am
Last Trip: 11.45pm
Contact: 01972-691364
Office: Dhaka 1205

Hanif Enterprise
Route: Dhaka-Teknaf
First Trip:- 7.30 am
Last Trip :- 12.30 pm
Office Address. 22/3 College Gate, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Phone Number. +880-2-9120116 8114442 0171-881813 0171-809295

Bus NameTicket Fee (Non AC)Ticket Fee (AC)
Saintmartin Paribahan11001700
Shyamoli Transport 11001500
Hanif Enterprise1600
Green saintmartin express1600
Tuba Line9001300
Saint Martin11002400
Royel coach 9501950
Vip service 9001750
Year 711100

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