Chittagong to cox’s bazar bus ticket price 2024

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Are you interested to know the price and schedule of Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar bus ticket? Yes, you have entered the right place. Get the latest Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar bus ticket price list and schedule here. Buses are the most popular transport on this route with Marsha, Desh Travels, Puravi Transport, Saudia Transport etc.
Generally the distance from Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar is about 160 km. It has the world’s longest beach of natural beauty and is a very popular tourist destination.

Nearby is Karnaphuli Tunnel, St. Martin. AC and non-AC buses are always available on Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar road. You can choose the preferred bus to enjoy a comfortable journey. It takes 3-4 hours to go from Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar.

More than 15 different bus companies operate regularly on this route. So it becomes very difficult for passengers to know the fixed price list. But don’t worry, we are constantly updating the bus ticket price list on our site.

Chittagong to cox’s bazar bus ticket

Today I will tell the schedule and ticket price of Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar bus. which is collected from the bus company’s website. Note that the bus authority may change the fare at any time for any problem. Below are the fares for each AC and Non-AC bus separately:

Bus NameTicket Price
Purabi Paribahan600 Taka
SaintMartin Paribahan750 TAKA
Desh Travels800 TAKA
Soudia Coach Service650 TAKA
Relax Transport850 TAKA
Shanti Paribahan650 TAKA
Star Link650 TAKA
Shohagh Elite900 TAKA
Green Line Paribahan750 TAKA
Silk Line900 TAKA

Chittagong to cox’s bazar bus ticket price (non-Ac)

If you want to go to Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar cheaply, then non-AC buses are suitable for you. Non-AC bus fares on this route are relatively low. Below is the ticket price list of non-AC buses on Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar route:

Bus NameTicket Price
Purabi Paribahan370 Taka
Marsa Transport420 Taka
SaintMartin Paribahan500 Taka
Desh Travels420 Taka
Saudia Coach Service420 Taka
Shamoli420 Taka
Hanif420 Taka
Star Link400 Taka
Relax Transport460 Taka
S. Alam400 Taka

Some precautions for Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar bus journey

Reach the bus counter at least 20 minutes prior to departure.
Each passenger can carry a maximum baggage weight of 12 kg. Passengers will be charged a surcharge for excess weight.
Do not carry any illegal goods while travelling.
Smoking while traveling is a legally punishable offence.
After delivering the luggage, take the token from the bunker and it is safe to return the luggage.
If you arrive late at the bus counter and miss the bus, the ticket is non-refundable.
Keep all your important documents safe, secure.

Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar Bus Counter

Bus NameChittagong Counter Contact
Marsa Transport 01322-838311
Desh Travels01762-620934, 01762-620935, 01705-416964, 01705-416965
Relax Transport01955-585544, 01955-585555, 01955-585566
Star Link01973-259681, 01973-259685, 01973-259635, 01973-259684
Shohagh Elite01711-798344, 01711351262, 01926-699347, 01819323183
Green Line Paribahan01730-060021, 01970-060085, 01730-060085,
Silk Line01730-060021, 01970-060085, 01730-060085
Saintmartin Paribahan01762691346

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Special Note : The bus authority may change the fares and timings for any reason. So you must confirm the number given in the ticket before the journey. Have a good journey. Wherever you are, stay well, stay healthy. thank you
