
Silk City Express Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2024

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Silk City Express (Train Code-753/754) is one of the Dhaka to Rajshahi intercity trains operated by Bangladesh Railway. The train travels from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, to Rajshahi, the oldest city in the western region and a clean metropolis. It was launched on 14th August 2003. It is a state-of-the-art intercity train.

Silk City Express Train off day

Station NameDepartureOff Day
Dhaka to Rajshahi 02:45 pmSunday
Rajshahi to Dhaka07:40Sunday

Dhaka to Rajshahi Distance

Distance from Dhaka to Rajshahi Bangladesh Railway is about 247 km. Driving distance is 247 km, driving time is 5 hours 21 minutes, flight distance is 197 km, flight time is 44 minutes. You can also find Dhaka to Rajshahi Railway Station distance using other travel options like Bus, Subway, Tram, Train and Rail.

Silk City Express Train Ticket Price

Seats based price on their quality. If you want good quality seats, you must pay more. This trine seat price starts on 505 taka and ends on 1010 taka (+15% VAT). See the below chart and choose your category.

CategoryPrice + (include vat)
S_CHAIR 340 Tk
AC_S782 Tk

Silk City Express Train Brief description

First service26 January 2002
Breaks on the journey
Average journey time6 hours 50 minutes
Service Rate6 days a week
VehiclesBangladesh Railway 6500 Class Locomotive, 4 AC Coaches, 10 Non AC Coaches, Guardbrake, Powercar and 2 Baggage Coaches, Total Vehicle Load 16/32

Silk City Express Train Routes

The Silk City Express train takes a break at several stations on its route from Dhaka to Rajshahi. The stations are successively : Airport, Joydevpur, Mirzapur, Tangail, Yamuna Setu, Railway Station, Jamtali, Ullapara, Baralbridge, Chatmohar, Ishwari and finally
Reach Rajshahi station via Abdulpur station. In the chart below we have given the uptime and downtime of the stations and the time the station will be standing.

Silk City Express Train Schedule

Dhaka to Rajshahi train schedule

Dhaka 00  02:45 pm 00
Biman_Bandar  03:12 pm 05 min 03:17 pm 00:27 h
Joydebpur 03:48 pm05 min 03:53 pm00:31 h
Mirzapur04:26 pm 04 mi04:30 pm00:33 h
Tangail04:55 pm04 min 04:59 pm00:25 h
Jamuna Setu East05:19 pm10 min05:29 pm 00:20 h
SH M Monsur Ali05:55 pm3 min 05:58 pm00:26 h
Jamtail06:06 pm11 min06:17 pm00:08 h
Ullapara06:29 pm 03 min06:32 pm00:12 h
Boral_Bridge 06:57 pm 03 min07:00 pm00:25 h
Chatmohar07:13 pm03 min07:16 pm00:13 h
Ishwardi Bypass 07:35 pm02 min07:37 pm00:19 h
Abdulpur07:50 pm02 min07:52 pm 00:13 h
Rajshahi08:35 pm00 min0000:43 h

Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule

Rajshahi 0007:40 am 00
Abdulpur08:20 am03 min08:23 am00:40 h
Ishwardi Bypass 08:36 am03 min08:39 am00:13 h
Boral_Bridge 09:12 am03 min09:15 am 00:12 h
Ullapara09:38 am03 min09:41 am00:23 h
Jamtail09:52 am03 min09:55 am00:11 h
SH M Monsur Ali10:03 am3 min 10:06 am00:08 h
Jamuna Setu E10:47 am02 min10:49 am00:41 h
Tangail11:09 am 02 min11:11 am00:20 h
Mirzapur11:36 am08 min11:44 am00:25 h
Joydebpur12:25 pm05 min12:30 pm 00:41 h
Dhaka 01:30 pm00 min01:00 h
Abdulpur07:50 pm02 min07:52 pm 00:13 h
Rajshahi08:35 pm00 min0000:43 h
Train tracker

Train Tracker

Bangladesh Railway Train tracker/Train Tracking Service provides by some operator. train’s location, movement schedule & other related information to Bangladesh Railway commuters.
Bangladesh Railway any passengers can get real time status of their intended train of travel, by sending an SMS to 16318 and in return get a message containing information as following.

Per SMS charge by this service : BDT 4 Tk. (VAT, SD and SC applicable)
Type: TR train number/train code
Send this SMS to: 16318
more info

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Ticket Booking

Online booking of Dhaka to Rajshahi Silkcity Express train tickets very easy and convenient Shohoz-Synesis Vincen JV has made. To buy tickets online, enter Bangladesh Railway e-ticketing website and voter ID card Create an account easily with By logging into this account you will be able to purchase your ticket. Learn the rules of buying tickets online can visit : Buy ticket online.

Official app for Bangladesh Railway

The “Rail Sheba” app offers the most convenient and simple experience while purchasing train tickets online. All you have to do is sign in to your account, search for your desired trains, choose your seats, make an online payment and travel with ease using your e-ticket.

Rail Sheba Apps Click now download Button

Key highlights:

  • You can purchase train tickets from all stations (selling computerized tickets) from the app.
  • This app allows passengers to pay for the train tickets using multiple Mobile Financial Services, debit and credit cards.
  • You can browse through your travel history and download your e-Ticket from your account.
  • The app is built to value your time. It is fast and user-friendly and secured by a 256-bit SSL certificate.
    Download the app now and buy train tickets in Bangladesh with ease.
    Updated on Jun 22, 2022

Surely you have no more questions about train schedule and fare list. Because above, I have given the list and schedule of all the trains from Dhaka to Rajshahi in a very nice way in the form of a table and the day of closure. From the table above you can easily travel to your destination.

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