Kolkata to Dhaka train route on running is train Maitri Express. It is helpful to know some rules including timetables and fares before travelling. All update information about of our goroli website. I hope our post most helpful for you. Those who want to travel on this route; Let them know the schedule, fares and rules-
kolkata to dhaka train Schedule 2024
Travel Timings: Inter-country Maitree Express departs from Dhaka to Kolkata 4 days a week on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. It leaves Dhaka Cantonment Station at 8:30 AM and reaches Kolkata Chitpur Station at 00:04 PM. Kolkata comes to Dhaka 4 days a week. Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. It departs from Kolkata Chitpur station at 7:10 am and reaches Dhaka Cantonment station at 4:05 pm.
Train No | Leaves From | Departure Time | Destination | Arrival Time Time | Day |
13108 | Kolkata (Chitpur Station) | 7:10 AM | Dhaka Cantonment | 8:30 AM | Saturday |
13109 | Dhaka Cantonment | 8:30 AM | Kolkata (Chitpur Station) | 7:10 PM | Sunday |
13110 | Dhaka Cantonment | 8:30 AM | Kolkata (Chitpur Station) | 7:10 PM | Monday |
13109 | Kolkata (Chitpur Station) | 7:10 AM | Dhaka Cantonment | 7:10 PM | Tuesday |
13110 | Dhaka Cantonment | 8:30 AM | Kolkata (Chitpur Station) | 7:10 PM | Wednesday |
— | ——- | — | Closing day | —- | Thursday |
13107 | Dhaka Cantonment | 8:30 AM | Kolkata (Chitpur Station) | 7:10 PM | Friday |
Dhaka to Kolkata Distance
The flight time between Dhaka (DAC) and Kolkata (CCU) is around 1h 1m and covers a distance of around 241 km. Services are operated by Spicejet, Biman Bangladesh Airlines, US-Bangla and others. Typically 49 flights run weekly, although weekend and holiday schedules can vary so check in advance.
Dhaka to Kolkata Train Ticket Price 2024
Seats based price on their quality. If you want good quality seats, you must pay more. This trine seat price starts on 1935 taka and ends on 2935 taka (+15% VAT). See the below chart and choose your category. 50% discount is applicable for children if aged between 1-5 years. In this case the age will be determined according to the passport. Tickets are issued for 3 seats in single cabin and 6 seats in double cabin.
Category | Price + (include vat) |
AC_S | 1955+500 = 2455 Tk |
AC Cabin | 2935+ 500 = 3435 Tk |
Dhaka to Kolkata Train Schedule 2024

Train Tracker
Bangladesh Railway Train tracker/Train Tracking Service provides by some operator. train’s location, movement schedule & other related information to Bangladesh Railway commuters.
Bangladesh Railway any passengers can get real time status of their intended train of travel, by sending an SMS to 16318 and in return get a message containing information as following.
Per SMS charge by this service : BDT 4 Tk. (VAT, SD and SC applicable)
Type: TR train number/train code
Send this SMS to: 16318
more info
Dhaka to Kolkata Train Ticket Booking
Tickets for Dhaka to Kolkata should be collected by going to Kamalapur railway station or Chittagong railway station. Dhaka-Kolkata Maitri train tickets are not sold anywhere else. Tickets are offered daily from 9am to 5pm. Advance tickets can be purchased up to 29 days before departure.
On the other hand, Kolkata-Dhaka train tickets can be purchased from Fairleigh Place, Dalhousie Square, Kolkata Railway Station. Tickets can be purchased daily from 10 am to 5 pm local time.
Maitri Express Train Route

While traveling from Dhaka to Kolkata collect and fill the immigration form after reaching Dhaka Cantonment Station. Indian Immigration disembarkation card or disembarkation card will be distributed on the train before reaching Kolkata station. Fill it up. Enter the address and phone number of your hotel instead of the address and phone number in the form. But those who will go to the relative’s house; They will give the relative’s full name, address and phone number.
After the train stops, quickly stand in the immigration line. At this time a declaration form will be given by the Indian customs. Fill it up. After completing the immigration, the baggage should be taken to the scanning machine and the filled form should be submitted before exiting. It is important to carry the NOC of the employees.
Reach Kolkata Chitpur station by 5 am while coming from Kolkata to Dhaka. The first thing to do at the Kolkata station is to take the declaration form and fill it properly and stand in the immigration line. After reaching the Dhaka Cantonment Station, passengers will be issued immigration embarkation cards or boarding passes. Besides, there are separate lines for cabin passengers and chair coach passengers for customs formalities at this station.
An adult can carry up to 35 kg of luggage free of charge in two pieces of luggage. If there are children. But for that you can take up to 20 kg free of charge. In case of goods more than 35 kg, if from 35 kg to 50 kg, the fee will be 2 dollars per kg per kg. However, if it is more than 50 kg, you have to pay a fee of 10 dollars per kg.
Travel, Education, Transport, Ticketing, Health, Sports, Technology, Information
Special Note: The Train timetable can be changed at any time by the said authority, if there is any change, we will try to update the information as soon as possible according to the information of the authority and you will be informed through notification.
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