Do you want to confirm train location? Yes you are on the right page. (Train tracker) Here all the details on how to check the location of all the trains in Bangladesh Railway are nicely given below. Those of us who regularly travel by train or our relatives do, can use train trucking services to avoid train delays. Several mobile operators in the country provide this service.
Current position of the train, when will it arrive at the station, when will the train arrive at the station of your destination? You can know about etc.
TTMS System was launched last 27th January 2023 and on the auspicious occasion of Hon’ble Railway Minister.
Train Tracking 2025
You can know the number direction, time of leaving, location of the number, current stopage, real time based number etc under Train Tracking service.
Sample SMS: TR <space>Train no. or TR <space>Train name write 16318 By sending the number, you will know your current location through SMS.
Example: How to know the location of an Inter-City Ekta Express from Dhaka to Dinajpur
SMS: : TR <space> 705 or : TR <space> Ekota text 16318.
This service Per SMS charge by this service : BDT 4 Tk. (VAT, SD and SC applicable)
Following are the details of the forwarded SMS :-

Train Tracker information guideline
We are showing here the chart of all train names in Bangladesh, along with train number, train code, departure time, and origin and destination place names. You can easily Train Tracker to your destination by using train code or number from this chart to send SMS from mobile.
SL | Train Name | Train ID | Train Code | Start From | Destination | Start time |
1 | Jamuna | 746 | jamuna | Tarakande | Dhaka | 2:10 |
2 | Meghna | 730 | meghna | Chandpur | Chittgong | 5:00 |
3 | Barendra | 732 | baren | Chilahati | Rajshahi | 5:50 |
4 | Upakul | 711 | upakul | Noakhali | Dhaka | 6:00 |
5 | Dhumketu | 769 | dhum | Dhaka | Rajshahi | 6:00 |
6 | Shirajgonj Ex | 775 | siraj | Shirajgonj | Dhaka | 6:00 |
7 | Dolanchapa | 768 | dolan | Dinajpur | Santahar | 6:10 |
8 | Sundarban | 726 | sundar | Dhaka | Khulna | 6:20 |
9 | Titumir | 733 | titu | Rajshahi | Chilahati | 6:20 |
10 | Kapotaskh | 715 | kapot | Khulna | Rajshahi | 6:30 |
11 | Bhramanputra | 744 | brahma | Dewangonj | Dhaka | 6:30 |
12 | Parabat | 709 | para | Dhaka | Sylhet | 6:35 |
13 | Sagardari | 762 | sagar | Rajshahi | Khulna | 6:40 |
14 | Egaro Pro D | 738 | egaropd | Kishorganj | Dhaka | 6:50 |
15 | Subarna | 701 | subarna | Chittagong | Dhaka | 7:00 |
16 | Madhumati | 756 | madhu | Rajshahi | Goalonda G. | 7:00 |
17 | Kaloni | 774 | kaloni | Sylhet | Dhaka | 7:10 |
18 | Shonar Bangla | 788 | sona | Dhaka | Chittagong | 7:00 |
19 | Moitree | 3108 | moitreed | Kolkata | Dhaka Cantt | 7:10 |
20 | Rupsha U | 727 | rubshau | Khulna | Saidpur | 7:15 |
21 | Egaro Pro U | 737 | egaropu | Dhaka | Kishorganj | 7:15 |
22 | Bijoy Ex | 785 | bijoy | Chittagong | Mymensing | 7:20 |
23 | Tista | 707 | tista | Dhaka | Dewangonj | 7:30 |
24 | Silk city | 754 | silk | Rajshahi | Dhaka | 7:40 |
25 | Provati | 704 | provati | Dhaka | Chittagong | 7:45 |
26 | Rupsha D | 728 | rubshad | Saidpur | Khulna | 8:00 |
27 | Nilsagar | 765 | nil | Dhaka | Chilahati | 8:00 |
28 | Moitree | 3107 | moitreeu | Dhaka Cantt | Kolkata | 8:15 |
29 | Haor Ex | 778 | haor | Mohanganj | Dhaka | 8:30 |
30 | Joyantika Dn | 718 | joyantd | Sylhet | Dhaka | 8:40 |
31 | Chitra | 763 | chitra | Khulna | Dhaka | 8:40 |
32 | Paharika Up | 719 | paharu | Chittagong | Sylhet | 9:00 |
33 | Rangpur Ex | 771 | rang | Dhaka | Rangpur | 9:00 |
34 | Drutajan | 758 | druta | Dinajpur | Rangpur | 9:15 |
35 | Aghnibina | 735 | agni | Dhaka | Tarakandi | 9:45 |
36 | Ekota | 705 | ekota | Dhaka | Dinajpur | 10:00 |
37 | Paharika Dn | 720 | pahard | Sylhet | Chittgong | 10:15 |
38 | Kishorgonj Ex | 781 | kishor | Dhaka | Kishorganj | 10:35 |
39 | Lalmoni Dn | 752 | lald | Lalmonirhat | Dhaka | 10:40 |
40 | Joyantika Up | 717 | joyantu | Dhaka | Sylhet | 12:00 |
41 | Mohanogor Ex | 721 | moha | Chittagong | Dhaka | 12:30 |
42 | Egaro god D | 750 | egarogd | Kishorganj | Dhaka | 12:30 |
43 | Dolanchapa | 767 | dolan | Santahar | Dinajpur | 13:30 |
44 | Titumir | 734 | titu | Chilahati | Rajshahi | 14:00 |
45 | Kapotaskh | 716 | kapot | Rajshahi | Khulna | 14:15 |
46 | Mohangonj Ex | 789 | mohan | Dhaka | Mohangonj | 14:20 |
47 | Silk city | 753 | silk | Dhaka | Rajshahi | 14:40 |
48 | Kishorgonj Ex | 782 | kishor | Kishorganj | Dhaka | 14:40 |
49 | Subarna | 702 | subarna | Dhaka | Chittagong | 15:00 |
50 | Godhuli | 703 | godhuli | Chittagong | Dhaka | 15:00 |
51 | Tista | 708 | tista | Dewangonj | Dhaka | 15:00 |
52 | Parabat | 710 | para | Sylhet | Dhaka | 15:00 |
53 | Barendra | 731 | baren | Rajshahi | Chilahati | 15:00 |
54 | Madhumati | 755 | madhu | Goalonda Ghat | Rajshahi | 15:00 |
55 | Upakul | 712 | upakul | Dhaka | Noakhali | 15:20 |
56 | Padma | 760 | padma | Rajshahi | Dhaka | 16:00 |
57 | Sagardari | 761 | sagar | Khulna | Rajshahi | 16:00 |
58 | Kaloni | 773 | kaloni | Dhaka | Sylhet | 16:00 |
59 | Jamuna | 745 | jamuna | Dhaka | Tarakandi | 16:40 |
60 | Aghnibina | 736 | agni | Tarakandi | Dhaka | 16:50 |
61 | Shirajgonj Ex | 776 | shiraj | Dhaka | Shirajgonj | 17:00 |
62 | Shonar Bangla | 787 | sona | Chittagong | Dhaka | 17:00 |
63 | Meghna | 729 | meghna | Chittagong | Chandpur | 17:15 |
64 | Bhramanputra | 743 | brahma | Dhaka | Dewangonj | 18:00 |
65 | Egaro god U | 749 | egarogu | Dhaka | Kishorganj | 18:30 |
66 | Simanta D | 748 | simad | Chilahati | Khulna | 18:45 |
67 | Chitra | 764 | chitra | Dhaka | Khulna | 19:00 |
68 | Drutajan | 757 | druta | Dhaka | Dinajpur | 20:00 |
69 | Rangpur Ex | 772 | rang | Rangpur | Dhaka | 20:00 |
70 | Bijoy Ex | 786 | bijoy | Mymensing Jn | Chittagong | 20:00 |
71 | Sundarban | 725 | sundar | Khulna | Dhaka | 20:30 |
72 | Mohanogor Ex | 722 | moha | Dhaka | Chittagong | 21:00 |
73 | Simanta U | 747 | simau | Khulna | Chilahati | 21:15 |
74 | Nilsagar | 766 | nil | Chilahati | Dhaka | 21:20 |
75 | Udayan Dn | 724 | udayd | Sylhet | Chittgong | 21:20 |
76 | Udayan Up | 723 | udayu | Chittagong | Sylhet | 21:45 |
77 | Upaban Up | 739 | upabanu | Dhaka | Sylhet | 21:50 |
78 | Upaban Dn | 740 | upaband | Sylhet | Dhaka | 22:00 |
79 | Lalmoni Up | 751 | lalu | Dhaka | Lalmonirhat | 22:10 |
80 | Ekota | 706 | ekota | Dinajpur | Dhaka | 23:00 |
81 | Turna U | 741 | turnau | Chittagong | Dhaka | 23:00 |
82 | Padma | 759 | padma | Dhaka | Rajshahi | 23:10 |
83 | Dhumketu | 770 | dhum | Rajshahi | Dhaka | 23:20 |
84 | Turna D | 742 | turnad | Dhaka | Chittagong | 23:30 |
85 | Mohangonj Ex | 790 | mohan | Mohanganj | Dhaka | 23:30 |
86 | Haor Ex | 777 | haor | Dhaka | Mohanganj | 23:50 |
87 | Karotoa Up | 713 | karou | Santahar | Burimari | 9:00 |
88 | Karotoa Dn | 714 | karod | Burimari | Santahar | 15:40 |
Rail Sheba app for Bangladesh Railway
The “Rail Sheba” app offers the most convenient and simple experience while purchasing train tickets online. All you have to do is sign in to your account, search for your desired trains, choose your seats, make an online payment and travel with ease using your e-ticket.
Rail Sheba Apps Click now download Button
Key highlights:
- You can purchase train tickets from all stations (selling computerized tickets) from the app.
- This app allows passengers to pay for the train tickets using multiple Mobile Financial Services, debit and credit cards.
- You can browse through your travel history and download your e-Ticket from your account.
- The app is built to value your time. It is fast and user-friendly and secured by a 256-bit SSL certificate.
Download the app now and buy train tickets in Bangladesh with ease.
Updated on Jun 22, 2022
airport railway station
Airport railway station or Biman Bandar railway station is a railway station in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Situated opposite to Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, it can be accessed from the Airport Road.
It is the second stoppage for trains in Dhaka, after the Kamalapur railway station. Trains come from India and locally Khulna, Jessore, Noakhali, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Comilla, and many important towns and cities
Surely you have no more questions about train schedule and fare list. Because above, I have given the list and schedule of all the trains from Dhaka to Rajshahi in a very nice way in the form of a table and the day of closure. From the table above you can easily travel to your destination.
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