
sylhet to dhaka train schedule 2024

Are you Looking for sylhet to dhaka train schedule, train ticket price, train off day or searching for Sylhet to Dhaka train and price are you get All update information about of our goroli website. I hope our post most helpful for you.

The train connects several important cities, such as: Kulaura Junction and Maijgaon station, Vanugach, Srimangal, Shayestaganj Junction, Noapara, Shahji Bazar, Harashpur, Mantala, Mukundapur, Azampur, Brahmanbaria, Ashuganj, Dhaka airport station, Kamlapur.

Sylhet To Dhaka Train Name List:

Bangladesh Railway has 4 trains from Sylhet to Dhaka. This route has 2 category trains from Sylhet to Dhaka. These are intercity and mail (local) trains. The following are the train services from Dhaka to Sylhet:

sylhet to dhaka train schedule 2023

Sylhet to Dhaka Intercity Train List:

  1. Parbat Express (709),
  2. Joyontika Express (717),
  3. Upaban Express (739),
  4. Kalani Express (773)

Sylhet to Dhaka Mail (Local) Train List:

  1. Surma Mail (9)

Sylhet to Dhaka Train Distance

You drive from Sylhet, Bangladesh and trip ends at Dhaka Railway Station, N208, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Now that you know that the driving distances from Sylhet to Dhaka Railway Station is 242.2 km, would you like to view a more detailed map? Well there are a few different ones that you can view which provide a bird’s eye view of the terrain on the road map from Sylhet to Dhaka Railway Station.

Intercity & Mail Train Schedule :

Train NoTrain NameDeparture Time
(From Dhaka)
Arrival Time
(To Sylhet)
Closing day
709Parbat Express06:2013:00Tuesday
717Joyontika Express11:1519:00No
739Upaban Express20:3005:00Wednesday
773Kalani Express15:0021:30Friday
9Surma Mail (Local)10.50 PM12:10 PMNo

Sylhet to Dhaka Train Ticket Booking

Online booking of Sylhet to Dhaka train tickets very easy and convenient Shohoz-Synesis-Vincen JV has made. To buy tickets online, enter Bangladesh Railway e-ticketing website and voter ID card Create an account easily with By logging into this account you will be able to purchase your ticket. Learn the rules of buying tickets online can visit : Buy ticket online.

Sylhet to Dhaka Train Ticket Price 2024

Seat ClassTicket Price
AC Berth1099 Tk
AC Seat736 Tk
1st Berth640 Tk
1st Class Chair610 Tk
Snigdha425 Tk
Shovan Chair320 Tk
Shovan265 Tk
Sulov160 Tk
Commuter135 Tk
2nd Class Mail110 Tk

Rail Sheba app for Bangladesh Railway

The “Rail Sheba” app offers the most convenient and simple experience while purchasing train tickets online. All you have to do is sign in to your account, search for your desired trains, choose your seats, make an online payment and travel with ease using your e-ticket.

Rail Sheba Apps Click now download Button

Key highlights:

  • You can purchase train tickets from all stations (selling computerized tickets) from the app.
  • This app allows passengers to pay for the train tickets using multiple Mobile Financial Services, debit and credit cards.
  • You can browse through your travel history and download your e-Ticket from your account.
  • The app is built to value your time. It is fast and user-friendly and secured by a 256-bit SSL certificate.
    Download the app now and buy train tickets in Bangladesh with ease.
    Updated on Jun 22, 2022

Surely you have no more questions about train schedule and fare list. Because above, I have given the list and schedule of all the trains from Dhaka to Chittagong in a very nice way in the form of a table and the day of closure. From the table above you can easily travel to your destination.

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